St. Eugene School

Home and School Association

St. Eugene's Home and School Association organizes fund raisers and other activities throughout the year. (To learn about upcoming fund raisers and activities, click here.) There are Home and School Meetings quarterly for parents to attend, and monthly meetings for the Home and School Board members. The Home and School Board comsists of volunteer parents that are willing to help St. Eugene's in the previously mentioned ways.

The members of the 2006-2007 Home and School Board are as follows:

President - Mrs. Lynne Dunbar

Secretary - Mrs. Colleen Calabrese

Treasurer - Mrs. Jill Urso

Members - Mrs. Bertha Boulaiche, Mrs. Nancy Cassidy, Mrs. Melinda Carangi, Mrs. Dana Kirby, Mrs. Jane Magnatta, Mrs. Maureen Maguire, Rev. Joseph McDermott, Mrs. Maureen Sponheimer

For further information about the Home and School Association, don't hesitate to contact us.

"The success of any school depends upon the interest and support of the parents. The purpose of the Home and School Association is to assist parents and teachers in their mutual task of educatating the children. At least one parent is expected to his/her interest and support by attending the General Meetings of the Home and School Association. Parents' support of the Home and School Association is also shown in their participation in projects which greatly help the school.

The Home and School Board consists of the Pastor, Principal, and parent representatives who meet monthly to organize meetings, speakers and fundraisers to help the school administration, faculty and parents."

-As taken from the St. Eugene School Student-Parent Handbook
