St. Eugene School
Grade Three Back-to-School Supplies

Dear Parents,

The children are very happy that summer is here. Please don't let them forget completely about their schoolwork. Please encourage them to continue to read during their vacation. I would like to stress the importance of drilling the number facts and the tables they have learned. If they don't practice, they will forget them.

Most of the school supplies are given out on the first day. You will be billed for them in September. I know the children will want to get started buying their supplies in August. The following is a list of what you can purchase over the summer:
- 12 in. ruler with metric side
- 4 -pencils
- 2 -red pens
- white Elmer's glue
- glue stick
- box of 24 crayons
- 8 washable magic markers (nothing larger)
- 1 - pack of multi-colored construction paper
- scissors
- box to hold art supplies
- clear contact paper to cover paperback texts
- two boxes of tissues
- one roll of paper towels
- two containers of anti-bacterial wipes

I hope you have a great summer.

Miss Flick

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